Hiroshima arşivleri | SEVİ - HAYATTAN Bİ'HABER Hayattan Bi'haber Sun, 21 May 2023 05:27:37 +0000 tr hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.4 ‘Give sorrow words’: G7 leaders reflect at Hiroshima bomb museum | Politics News https://www.sevigames.com/give-sorrow-words-g7-leaders-reflect-at-hiroshima-bomb-museum-politics-news/ https://www.sevigames.com/give-sorrow-words-g7-leaders-reflect-at-hiroshima-bomb-museum-politics-news/#respond Sun, 21 May 2023 05:27:37 +0000 https://www.sevigames.com/give-sorrow-words-g7-leaders-reflect-at-hiroshima-bomb-museum-politics-news/ The horror of nuclear war has been highlighted by world leaders attending the G7 summit in Hiroshima, Japan. Hiroshima, Japan – Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has sought to use the G7 summit in Japan to highlight the horrors of nuclear war and promote his vision of a world without nuclear weapons. On Friday, G7 and European Union leaders visited the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, which commemorates the victims of the atomic bomb that United States forces dropped on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. At the museum, which contains graphic descriptions of the devastation wrought by the world’s first nuclear

‘Give sorrow words’: G7 leaders reflect at Hiroshima bomb museum | Politics News yazısı ilk önce SEVİ - HAYATTAN Bİ'HABER üzerinde ortaya çıktı.


The horror of nuclear war has been highlighted by world leaders attending the G7 summit in Hiroshima, Japan.

Hiroshima, Japan – Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has sought to use the G7 summit in Japan to highlight the horrors of nuclear war and promote his vision of a world without nuclear weapons.

On Friday, G7 and European Union leaders visited the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, which commemorates the victims of the atomic bomb that United States forces dropped on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945.

At the museum, which contains graphic descriptions of the devastation wrought by the world’s first nuclear attack, the G7 leaders signed the guest book for visitors.

Below are the messages the leaders wrote:

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida

As Chair of the G7, I am gathering here together with the leaders of G7 countries on this historic occasion of the G7 Summit to realise a world without nuclear weapons.

US President Joe Biden

May the stories of this Museum remind us all of our obligations to build a future of peace. Together let us continue to make progress toward the day when we can finally and forever rid the world of nuclear weapons. Keep the faith!

French President Emmanuel Macron

With emotion and compassion, it is up to us to contribute to the duty of remembrance of the victims of Hiroshima and to act in favour of peace, the only fight [the fight] that deserves to be fought.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz

This place is a reminder of inconceivable suffering. Today, together with our partners, we renew here the pledge to protect peace and freedom with all determination. Nuclear war must never be waged again.

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni

Today we pause and remain in prayer. Today we remember that darkness has not prevailed. Today we remember the past in order to build, together, a future of hope.

United Kingdom Prime Minister Rishi Sunak

Shakespeare tells us to “give sorrow words”. Yet language fails in the light of the bomb’s flash. No words can describe the horror and suffering of the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. But what we can say, with all our hearts, and all our souls, is no more.

European Council President Charles Michel

An immense tragedy took place here almost 80 years ago. It reminds us what we – as G7 – are defending. And why we are defending it. Peace and freedom. Because it’s what all human beings want most.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen

What happened in Hiroshima is still today haunting humanity. It is a stark reminder of the terrible cost of war – and our everlasting duty to protect and preserve peace.

#Give #sorrow #words #leaders #reflect #Hiroshima #bomb #museum #Politics #News

‘Give sorrow words’: G7 leaders reflect at Hiroshima bomb museum | Politics News yazısı ilk önce SEVİ - HAYATTAN Bİ'HABER üzerinde ortaya çıktı.

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Ukraine’s Zelenskyy to attend G7 in Hiroshima to pressure Russia | Russia-Ukraine war News https://www.sevigames.com/ukraines-zelenskyy-to-attend-g7-in-hiroshima-to-pressure-russia-russia-ukraine-war-news/ https://www.sevigames.com/ukraines-zelenskyy-to-attend-g7-in-hiroshima-to-pressure-russia-russia-ukraine-war-news/#respond Fri, 19 May 2023 07:30:35 +0000 https://www.sevigames.com/ukraines-zelenskyy-to-attend-g7-in-hiroshima-to-pressure-russia-russia-ukraine-war-news/ Presence of Ukrainian president is likely to bolster G7 and NATO resolve to continue supplying weapons. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy will attend the Group of Seven summit in Japan in person as the club of rich democracies seeks to ramp up pressure on Russia to end its war in Ukraine. Zelenskyy’s attendance at the G7 leaders’ summit in Hiroshima is an unexpected development after the Japanese government earlier told local media that the Ukrainian leader would only attend Sunday’s talks via video link. Oleksiy Danilov, secretary of Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council, confirmed on national television on Friday that

Ukraine’s Zelenskyy to attend G7 in Hiroshima to pressure Russia | Russia-Ukraine war News yazısı ilk önce SEVİ - HAYATTAN Bİ'HABER üzerinde ortaya çıktı.


Presence of Ukrainian president is likely to bolster G7 and NATO resolve to continue supplying weapons.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy will attend the Group of Seven summit in Japan in person as the club of rich democracies seeks to ramp up pressure on Russia to end its war in Ukraine.

Zelenskyy’s attendance at the G7 leaders’ summit in Hiroshima is an unexpected development after the Japanese government earlier told local media that the Ukrainian leader would only attend Sunday’s talks via video link.

Oleksiy Danilov, secretary of Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council, confirmed on national television on Friday that Zelenskyy would attend the summit.

“We were sure that our president would be where Ukraine needed him, in any part of the world, to solve the issue of stability of our country,” Danilov said. “There will be very important matters decided there, so physical presence is a crucial thing to defend our interests.”

Ukraine’s presidential office said it had told Japan’s Kyodo News a day earlier that Zelenskyy’s attendance had not been ruled out, but would depend on the “situation on the battlefield”.

John Blaxland, a professor of international security and intelligence studies at Australian National University, said Zelenskyy’s physical attendance would lend weight to the effort to pressure Russia.

“I think it speaks to the charisma of Zelenskyy, the enthusiasm of Kishida and the importance of bolstering G7 and broader NATO resolve to continue to supply armaments, particularly with the expected Ukrainian surge in operations,” Blaxland told Al Jazeera.

“Zelenskyy will also be looking to meet with his South Korean and Australian counterparts – to push for additional Korean military supplies and for Australia to supply more Bushmasters and Hawkei protected mobility vehicles. He will also be eager to press for the F-16 fighter aircraft to be made available.”

In Japan, G7 – the United States, Canada, Japan, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Italy, along with the European Union – are seeking to convey a united front as they weigh new punitive measures to punish Moscow over its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, which is now in its 450th day.

G7 leaders are expected to announce new coordinated measures targeting Russia’s economy, although there are reportedly divisions among members about how far sanctions should go.

Zelenskyy has repeatedly called on the international community to increase its support for Kyiv and take stronger action to punish Moscow for its invasion of his country. Last week he made a whistle-stop tour of Berlin, Paris and London where he secured new weapons commitments.

On Friday, a senior official with the administration of US President Joe Biden said Washington will roll out 300 new sanctions targeting 70 Russian entities and place more countries on a US blacklist.

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak also announced that the UK will ban imports of Russian diamonds, copper, aluminium and nickel, and sanction 86 people and companies linked to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

#Ukraines #Zelenskyy #attend #Hiroshima #pressure #Russia #RussiaUkraine #war #News

Ukraine’s Zelenskyy to attend G7 in Hiroshima to pressure Russia | Russia-Ukraine war News yazısı ilk önce SEVİ - HAYATTAN Bİ'HABER üzerinde ortaya çıktı.

https://www.sevigames.com/ukraines-zelenskyy-to-attend-g7-in-hiroshima-to-pressure-russia-russia-ukraine-war-news/feed/ 0
G7 Hiroshima Summit: Who’s attending, what will be discussed? | News https://www.sevigames.com/g7-hiroshima-summit-whos-attending-what-will-be-discussed-news/ https://www.sevigames.com/g7-hiroshima-summit-whos-attending-what-will-be-discussed-news/#respond Fri, 19 May 2023 00:20:50 +0000 https://www.sevigames.com/g7-hiroshima-summit-whos-attending-what-will-be-discussed-news/ Leaders of the G7 meet in the southern Japanese city of Hiroshima for their annual summit from May 19 – 21. The are expected to discuss not only economics, but politics, and Russia’s February 2022 full-scale invasion of Ukraine. China, which has become increasingly assertive in its claims in the disputed South China Sea and over self-ruled Taiwan, is also likely to be an issue along with North Korea’s weapons testing. Here’s a look at the G7 and what to expect: What is the G7 Summit? The Group of Seven (G7) is an informal group of leading industrialised democracies with

G7 Hiroshima Summit: Who’s attending, what will be discussed? | News yazısı ilk önce SEVİ - HAYATTAN Bİ'HABER üzerinde ortaya çıktı.


Leaders of the G7 meet in the southern Japanese city of Hiroshima for their annual summit from May 19 – 21.

The are expected to discuss not only economics, but politics, and Russia’s February 2022 full-scale invasion of Ukraine. China, which has become increasingly assertive in its claims in the disputed South China Sea and over self-ruled Taiwan, is also likely to be an issue along with North Korea’s weapons testing.

Here’s a look at the G7 and what to expect:

What is the G7 Summit?

The Group of Seven (G7) is an informal group of leading industrialised democracies with no permanent secretariat or legal status. It consists of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States.

The group was founded – as the G6 – following the 1973 oil crisis as a forum for the richest nations to discuss global economic issues. Its countries have a combined annual gross domestic product (GDP) of $40 trillion – making up just under half the world economy.

The founding members held their first summit in 1975 in France to discuss how to tackle the deep recession that followed the embargo imposed by the oil production cartel OPEC. Canada became the seventh member a year later.

A Volkswagen Beetle towed though an Essen street in Germany as part of a protest agains a driving ban imposed during the oil crisis in 1973. Protesters are walking behind with a large banner. The photo is in black and white.
Germany imposed a driving ban at the height of the 1973 oil crisis leading to protests. The banner reads: “The rich are allowed to drive, the poor shall save” [File: AP Photo)\]

Russia joined to form the G8 in 1998, but was expelled after Moscow’s 2014 annexation of Crimea.

The presidency of the summits revolves among the seven members, and this year it is Japan’s turn to host. In 2024, it will be Italy.

Two representatives of the European Union (EU) also join, and it has become customary in recent years for leaders from some non-G7 countries and international organisations to take part in some sessions.

The leaders discuss a wide range of issues, including economic policy, security, climate change, energy and gender.

Who is attending?

This year, the leaders of Australia, Brazil, Comoros (chair of the African Union), Cook Islands (chair of the Pacific Islands Forum), India (G20 president), Indonesia (chair of Association of Southeast Asian Nations), South Korea and Vietnam are invited, reflecting Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida’s stress on the importance of reaching out to developing countries, as well as US allies and partners.

The invitations to leaders outside the G7 are meant to extend cooperation to a broader range of countries.

But the economic expansion of nations including Brazil, China and India (all members of the BRICS grouping which also includes Russia and South Africa) has raised questions about the G7′s relevance and its role in leading a world economy that is increasingly reliant on growth beyond the wealthiest nations.

Leaders of the United Nations, the International Energy Agency, the International Monetary Fund, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the World Bank, the World Health Organization and the World Trade Organization are also on the guest list.

What will be discussed?

The summit comes just days after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy completed a whirlwind trip arond Europe to meet a number of the G7 leaders.

Zelenskyy’s tour was aimed at building political support ahead of a widely anticipated counteroffensive to reclaim lands occupied by Moscow’s forces, and securing new weapons commitments.

G7 leaders are expected to strongly condemn Russia’s war on Ukraine while pledging their continuing support for Ukraine. Zelenskyy will join the session via the internet.

“Support for Ukraine and sanctions against Russia will be the main topics of discussion,” Japan’s Finance Minister Shunichi Suzuki told a news conference. “We will continue to closely coordinate with G7 and the international community to enhance the effect of sanctions to achieve the ultimate goal of prompting Russia to withdraw.”

A group of activists take part in a protest against the G7 Leaders' Summit in Hiroshima on May 17, 2023, holding placards that say, "No G7! Imperialist summit! No nuclear war! Hands off Ukraine! No war on China!" [Yuichi Yamazaki/AFP]
A group of activists take part in a protest against the G7 Leaders’ Summit in Hiroshima [Yuichi Yamazaki/AFP]

There will also be a focus on Beijing’s escalating threats against Taiwan, the self-governing democratic island Beijing claims as its own, and ways to reduce Western democracies’ economic and supply chain dependency on China.

The seven leaders have also signalled that China’s use of punitive trade measures will be high on the agenda of their three-day annual summit.

China’s use of coercive economic moves has been an issue of growing concern in the Asia Pacific and Europe in recent years, with Japan, South Korea, Australia and Lithuania all facing trade restrictions following disputes with Beijing on issues ranging from the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic to Taiwan.

For developing nations, including many former colonies of Western powers with varied views on and ties to Russia and China, the G7 is set to offer more support in health, food security and infrastructure to help underpin closer ties.

Developed countries promised in 2009 to transfer $100bn annually between 2020 and 2025 to vulnerable states hit by increasingly severe climate-linked impacts and disasters – but that target was never met.

Rich G7 nations owe poor ones an estimated $13 trillion in unpaid development aid as well as support in the fight against climate change, according the British NGO Oxfam.

Not originally on the agenda, the rapid growth of generative artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot ChatGPT means G7 leaders can no longer ignore the issues it raises.

In April, Kishida met the CEO of OpenAI, which developed the ChatGPT service, and EU legislators have urged G7 leaders to find ways to control its development.

G7 digital ministers agreed in April they should adopt “risk-based” regulation on AI.

Choice of venue

Hiroshima is Kishida’s hometown, and known throughout the world as the first city to be hit by a nuclear weapon. The 1945 bombing helped end World War II, but devastated Hiroshima and Nagasaki killing thousands of civilians.

Kishida’s choice of venue reflects his determination to put nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation at the top of the summit’s agenda.

A path to nuclear disarmament has appeared more difficult with Russia’s recent nuclear weapons’ threats in Ukraine, as well as North Korea’s repeated ballistic missile tests and Iran’s expansion of its nuclear programme.

“I can’t say that the G7 will resolve these non-proliferation crises, but without a coherent position from the G7 we have no chance,” a senior G7 diplomat told the Reuters news agency.

A view of the A-Dome in Hiroshima. The building is in ruins but preserved. Two people are walking in front beneath umbrellas.
The leaders are also expected to visit the Hiroshima Peace Park  [Androniki Christodoulou/Reuters]

Kishida on Friday will welcome arriving leaders at the Hiroshima Peace Park, the city’s commercial and political heart at the time the bomb was dropped. He also plans to escort the leaders to the A-bomb museum, in the first group visit involving the heads of some of the world’s nuclear-armed states. There might also be a meeting with atomic bomb survivors.

“I believe the first step toward any nuclear disarmament effort is to provide a firsthand experience of the consequences of the atomic bombing and to firmly convey the reality,” Kishida said last Saturday during a visit to Hiroshima to observe the summit preparations.

On the sidelines

Kishida, US President Joe Biden and South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol are expected to hold a trilateral meeting lon the sidelines of the Hiroshima summit to discuss North Korea, China’s assertiveness and Russia’s war on Ukraine.

Kishida and Yoon will pay their respects together at a Hiroshima memorial for Korean atomic bomb victims in a trust-building gesture as the two countries repair ties strained by disputes stemming from Japan’s 1910-1945 colonial rule of the Korean Peninsula.

Yoon was invited to the summit as one of eight outreach nations.

Protests have also taken place in the run-up to the summit,

#Hiroshima #Summit #Whos #attending #discussed #News

G7 Hiroshima Summit: Who’s attending, what will be discussed? | News yazısı ilk önce SEVİ - HAYATTAN Bİ'HABER üzerinde ortaya çıktı.

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